Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I started interning last week at a new school in Chandler. This school is two years old. It's nice that everything is brand new. And I think once i start teaching i would like to be at a newer school, if it's even an option.

Since deciding to major in education i thought i would teach the younger ones. After all they are so cute, aren't they? I have come to realize i am not warm and fuzzy enough to teach them. Last semester the 2nd graders cried - it seemed like someone was crying at least once a week.
Not sure I have the patience or who knows. I just like to think it's because I'm not warm and fuzzy. Not that i think teachers of the younger grades sprout down feathers.

I am now in the 4th grade, not literally, and i love it! I can read their hand writing. They don't cry. Actually i don't even know some of the questions they ask, so remind me not to apply for that show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader because right now I'm not. Maybe in a few years after i have taught the upper grades and am familiar with the curriculum. Who knew teaching grade school would make me smarter. ;-)

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